Reviewed By = Mauricio Segura
Celebrating their 63rd anniversary, the Chanticleers Theatre's third production of the 2011 season, “Harvey”, is a well directed, funny, and entertaining story sure to leave any audience member with a satisfying live theater experience.
“Harvey” is the story of Elwood P. Dowd, an extremely polite, friendly, well-known and liked eccentric, who frequents the local bars and is always willing to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger.
Elwood seems normal enough, until he introduces his friend Harvey, a 6 foot tall imaginary white rabbit. His bar buddies have accepted Elwood's slight loss of reality, but strangers are completely turned off and more often than not, actually scared by the introduction.
Soon, even his sister and her daughter have had it with the whole Harvey thing, and decide to have Elwood committed into the town's sanitarium. That's when the hilarity ensues as chaotic situations break out due to misunderstands and eventual revelations of who truly is insane...or not.
I found the play as a whole quite entertaining, but slightly weaving in and out in its connection with the audience in some parts. Perhaps opening night jitters or miscues, but it wasn't enough to take away from following the storyline or staying entertained.
The entire cast was splendid, but some standouts were Keith Jefferds (Elwood), who did an outstanding job. His wittiness and soft spoken interpretation made Elwood very likable and entertaining.
Vanessa Comfort (Ruth Kelly), and Charles Woodson Parker (Dr. Sanderson), were both very funny. Not only in their interactions between each other, but especially when the chaos first broke out. Watching Dr. Sanderson freak out was one of the evening's highlights.
And lastly, Loralee Windsor (Elwood's sister Veta Louise Simmons) ran away with her performance. She connected with the audience from the beginning and never lost her grip. She delivered her lines almost flawlessly and her stage presence was undeniable. She dominated each scene she was in. Truly a great job.
If you've seen the old Harvey movie with James Stewart, don't expect to just see a remake of it onstage. Director Eric Fraisher Hayes excelled in keeping the same story while making it fresh in front of a live audience.
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